About Us
At xCalData, we observe and listen to the market for signals to generate excess returns over benchmark returns (Alpha).
We are registered FinTech Stratup based in Trichy, India.
We specialize in developing systematic trading algorithms with an equal focus on execution, risk and money management to generate steady and higher than market returns
Our proprietary Quantamental (combination of quantitative and fundamental research) trading strategies go through a rigorous process of in-house development that are back tested over long periods of time before putting our money. We trade our own money all point of time, using our algorithmic strategies.
This robust multi-layer Risk Management system and automated signal generation platform helps enable trading across multiple strategies and markets seamlessly.
As a FinTech, we focus on making algorithm signal generation and execution easier for all customers. Taking emotions out of our trading we have removed the biggest barrier for success.
Users look forward to subscribing to our Algorithm through our user-friendly Mobile App.
We also support algorithmic strategy development, consultancy services, software development, software support and technical support.
Our AI platforms is designed for effective investment decisions.
Using our algorithmic trading platforms, our subscriber gets solution backed by high quality, quantitative, research based and back-tested, ready to go solution.
You can send the signals generated from our software to the broker of your choice. Our platform is integrated to select brokers in India and globally.
Rhomb has been developed over the years using a stringent AI development criteria.

Price forecasts
We start models to forecast the prices of the stocks for the next few weeks

Trading Strategy
Multiple trading strategies are developed and tested

A lot of emphasis and effort is done to back-test both price forecasts and trading strategies for long durations. This ensures that Rhomb delivers consistently

We deploy the strategies in live market with our own money first. Once we are comfortable, we share it with customers.

Monitor & Refine
We constantly to look for new opportunities to reduce risk and keep potential profit levels.
Contact Us
For more information, join us on our social media platforms below
C -55, 2nd Floor, Aanandam's Plaza
10th B Cross East, Thillai Nagar